The Choir
The CSUC Choir is a dynamic and vibrant group of singers with an age range of approximately 70 years. "All are welcome in this place" could be our motto.
We are a volunteer choir and so attendance varies - but this vibrant choir continues to make new strides forward as a group.
The sound, musicality and feeling of togetherness are undeniable and absolutely heart warming in a group of non-professional singers so full of respect and compassion for music and humanity.
Over the past year, the choir has performed everything from John Rutter to The Beatles. A particular highlight was the Lessons and Carols Service in December 2016 in which the choir performed many popular Christmas Hymns in a variety of fun new arrangements. For this service, the choir received a lovely email from the secretary of his Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, in which their honours inquired about the text to one of the songs performed during this service as they enjoyed it so thoroughly.
The choir is very much looking forward to the Fall when they will be joined by 4 Choral Scholars - all of whom will be youth preparing for a post-secondary education in music.