In the sanctuary, there are plaques in memory of those from the congregation who died in World War I, World War II, and the Korean conflict. In the porch there is an Honour Roll listing the congregational members who served in World War I. The three pillar plaques are made of alabaster, gold and mosaic and were designed and produced in London, England by Fenning and Willis Company. Each Memorial Day in November, wreaths are laid at the base of the plaques as part of the Remembrance Day service for the congregation.
LEFT FRONT PILLAR (facing the pulpit):
Sunday School Superintendent Memorial Tablet
Sunday School Superintendent Memorial Tablet
The plaque on the left front pillar is in memory of Mr. H. J. B. Woods who died Sept 1, 1916. On Feb 27, 1917, the Board of Trustees gave their permission to erect a tablet in memory of the late Mr. Woods. The tablet was unveiled on May 25, 1919. Inscription reads:
“To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Hon. Henry J. B. Woods
For Thirty-Four Years
Superintendent of the Sunday School
and a Valued Official of This Church.
Died September 1st, Aged 73 years.
RIGHT FRONT PILLAR (facing the pulpit):
World War I Memorial Tablet
World War I Memorial Tablet
The service bulletin for the unveiling gives the following description: “The Memorial Tablet is of alabaster decorated in Gold, with various devices, and in the centre, a representation in Mosaic of Sir Galahad in his search for the Holy Grail, after the picture by Watts. The inscription reads:
“To the Glory of God and in Grateful memory of the Men of This Church Who Fell in the Great War, 1914-1918.”
The tablet was unveiled by His Excellency Sir C. Alexander Harris, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.V.O., Governor and Commander-in-Chief, on Sunday, December 4, 1921 at 11 AM. He also read the names of those inscribed:
George Abbott
Stanley Abbott
Frank H. Chown
James L. Day
Arthur Driscoll
Ronald Grimes
2nd Lt. Arthur J. Herder
Lt. Hubert C. Herder
L. Cpl. Robert P. King
George S. Knight
Walter LeGrow
Cpl. Herbert G. Luscombe
Alexander Martin
Simeon Morris
Walter Morris
Wilfred Raynes
Carl Reid
L. Cpl. E. Clayton Rowsell
John C. Snelgrove
Douglas K. Snow
L. Cpl. E. Frederick Taylor
2nd Lt. George H. Taylor
Richard H. Taylor
Donald Templeman
Gordon Tizzard
Frank P. Tuff
Cpl. James R. Tuff
Read about each of the people named on the honour role.
Wreaths were placed at the base of the tablet by the Hon. Sir. R. A. Squires of behalf of the Government, by Mr. J. G. Higgins, B.A., President, on behalf of the Great War Veterans’ Association and by Mr. A. C. Peters on behalf of Cochrane Street Centennial Church.
The minister of the church was Rev. C. H. Johnson, M.A., B.D., with the Preacher being Rev. Dr. George J. Bond, B.A., LL.D. The Chaplain to the Forces and senior curate at St. Thomas Anglican Church was Capt. the Rev. A. Clayton, C.F. The organist and choirmaster for the service was the church’s organist, Arthur Mews, C.M.G.
The Memorial Committee was comprised of the following:
Rev. C. H. Johnson, chairman, Major J. W. March, M.C., C. de G., Major B. Butler, D.S.O., M.C. & Bar, Major J. St. P. Knight, O.B.E., Lieut. A. Noseworthy, Lieut. H. C. Janes, M.S.M., Sgt. A. M. Wilson, Rev. L. Curtis, B.A., D.D., M.B.E., Mr. Arthur Mews, Mr. John Maunder, Mr. Edwin Parsons, Mr. Wilson Clark, Mr. H. N. Burt, Secretary. On Dec 2, 1919, the Board of Trustees reported that the cost of tablet was £72.
LEFT REAR PILLAR (facing the pulpit):
World War II Memorial Tablet
The left rear pillar is a memorial to those from the congregation who died in the Second World War. It was unveiled by His Excellency Sir Gordon MacDonald, K.C.M.G., Governor of Newfoundland, on Sunday, Oct 31, 1948. He also gave the address. The minister was Rev. Ernest Rowlands and the organist was W. Evan Whiteway. The inscription reads:
“To the glory of God and in grateful memory of the men of this church who lost their lives while serving the armed forces during the war 1939-1945.”
The reading of names of those being remembered was by George Soper, Recording Steward of the congregation.
World War II Memorial Tablet
Arthur Brown
Herbert Bond Clarke
Cyril Bertram Crummey
Arthur Edward Earle
George William Elliott
Raymond House
Patrick Joyce
H. Kitchener Lane
Charles Taylor Newell
William Thomas Newell
Warwick Leslie Noseworthy
Samuel Charles Penney
Claude Maxwell Percy
Henry Alfred Rideout
Richard Anderson Squires
Philip Francis Templeman
Rev. A. J. Barrett, President of Newfoundland Conference read the names of those from the congregation who had served in World War II.
The War Memorial Committee was comprised of D. W. Macpherson, Chair, Vice-chair H. N. Burt, Secretary George Hynes, with other members being George Soper, A. G. Hatcher, Harold Luscombe, Gordon Vatcher, W. Drover, Harry Wilson, and the minister, Rev. A. J. Barrett
The cost of the tablet was £267. The sculptured panel was more expensive than the mosaic style but the company, Fenning and Willis, supplied it at the mosaic price. The tablet was shipped from England June 9, 1948.
This memorial plaque, made of Italian marble, remembers the one member of this congregation who died in the Korean Conflict. It was unveiled on Sunday, May 6, 1956 by the Honourable Leonard C. Outerbridge, Kt. C.B.E., D.S.O., Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland. Mr. Outerbridge also gave the address. The minister was Rev. Warren L. Langille, B.A. and the organist was Dr. David K. Peters, L.T.C.L. The inscription reads:
“In hallowed memory of
Douglas L. Newell, a member
of this congregation,
who made the supreme sacrifice
on May 3rd 1953
while serving in Korea
with the forces of free nations.”
Wreaths were placed on behalf of the church by H. K. M. Wilson, veteran World War I and by H. Lever, veteran World War II. The Memorial Committee members were George Soper, George Hynes, Harry Wilson, D. W. Macpherson, and the minister, Rev. W. Langille. The tablet cost $75.00
Lest We Forget
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