Welcome to Worship! Your worship leaders are Rev. Miriam Bowlby and Evan Smith.
Online Church Service
Christmas Eve 5pm Servive
Worship Wednesday June 24
a time of prayer and reflection
Worship Wednesday June 17
a time of prayer and reflection
Worship Wednesday June 10
This week’s worship Wednesday is on the theme justice, kindness and walking humbly with God.
Worship Wednesday June 3
This week’s worship Wednesday is on the theme of racism.
Worship Wednesday May 27
This week’s worship Wednesday is on the theme of creation
Worship Wednesday May 13
A time to reflect and pray. Thank You, Frances McNiven, for her poetry, Karen for reading, Evan for singing and Rev. Miriam for reflecting.
Worship Wednesday May 6
This week’s Worship Wednesday.
Worship Wednesday for April 22
Here is the this weeks Worship Wednesday
Worship Wednesdays for April 15th
Please enjoy this time to reflect and pray
Worship Wednesday for April 8
Worship Wednesdays April 1
We hope this helps your day get off to a good start.