What My Church and Confirmation Mean to Me

“What Confirmation and the Church Mean to Me”

The 2017 Confirmation Class

In our confirmation class we’ve talked about a few things like God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, how the United Church of Canada works, prayer, communion and baptism. In our last class, Rev. Miriam asked us to write about what church and confirmation means to us. Here is what we said:

Church means that you celebrate God and your religious faith. Confirmation means to officially become a part of your church. I like the coffee time because I can get a snack and talk to people.

You get to talk to lots of people who care about you. I like the cookies Henrietta gave me because they taste good. I also love the time of fellowship after church. We get to socialize with the people of church community and we get to eat some delicious food (especially the cheese).

My church and my confirmation are important to me. I think that it is import to be part of and get confirmed at my church at a younger age. I love singing in the church choir which I especially love when Evan is teaches it. We get to sing lots of beautiful music.

I think it is important to stay with my church as long as I can since the population of the churches in Newfoundland is going down. Sunday school is fund because we do crafts and make lots of stuff.

What my church and confirmation mean to me is that it is a place where I can take a break from the problems I have and feel safe. It’s to be a part of something magical no matter how different your opinions are on society or politics. We are one! I like communion because the grape juice tastes good and they bread is chewy.

It means I’m an official member of this church. My church to me means learning about the Holy Spirit and eating the food after the church service. Confirmation is about coming closer as a member of the church. It is also a place I reflect on myself. It is a place I can ‘reset’ my mind and helps me be able to relax and be.