Church Service May 31

Rev. Miriam’s sermon

Last week we left the disciples waiting in Jerusalem for that all important “what next” phase in their journey. This week we’ve arrived at what next. The disciples are gathered together in a room. When suddenly there is a sound like a violent rush of wind, there are flames touching them. And then without warning, they could speak all the languages of the world. The people of Jerusalem couldn’t understand what was happening. Some were thinking they are drunk and others were amazed. Peter reminds them of the promise from the book of Joel that God will pour out God’s spirit and everyone shall prophesy.

Pentecost is the day that we mark the birth of the church. It is often the occasion for ordination or confirmation. It is the day we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and that we are called to share the good news. The disciples got their answer to what next. They begin to travel and share the good news everywhere. We may still be searching for how the Holy Spirit is guiding us to live into this new reality. There are some signposts along the way to guide us.

Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Abundantly life is not about living in a holding pattern or waiting for the next alert level. We can’t keep waiting for things to go back to normal. We need to find ways of having abundant life here and now with pandemic restrictions in place. That is going to mean something different for each of us. It may take time, to make the switch from waiting for what next to living each day fully. Some of you may already be there. There are many ways to go about this. Maybe it is working towards a new goal or spending time in prayer or reading or creating or gardening. Whatever is going to help you find meaning in your daily living.

The disciples found that abundant life, that meaning in a powerful way. Holy Spirit touched them and they began speaking the prophet word. As we explore what abundant life looks like for us today, we too are invited to speak that prophetic word about the kind of world we want to live in.

It means saying no to a small few having all the resources and yes to everyone having a safe place to live and food on their tables. It means saying no to racism and privilege and all that makes people feel less than and yes to abundant life for everyone. It means saying no to the destruction of our planet and yes to work that helps the planet thrive.

Pentecost is our what next. It is abundant life. It is our chance to dream of the kind of world we want to live in and an invitation to use our voices to make it happen. Together shaping abundant life for all people and for our planet. Jesus says, “I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) May it be so. Amen.